Page:Constitution of the Free State of Bavaria.djvu/6

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(3) The Bavarian State Parliament shall adopt rules of procedure for itself

Art. 21

(1) The President shall exercise the domestic authority and the police power in the buildings of the Bavarian State Parliament

(2) The President shall be responsible for the internal administration, can dispose of the income and expenses of the Bavarian State Parliament, and shall represent the state in all legal transactions and legal disputes of this administration

Art. 22

(1) 1 The sittings of the Bavarian State Parliament shall be public 2 On a motion filed by 50 members or the State Government, the general public can be excluded for the discussion of a certain matter with a majority vote of two thirds of the members present 3 The general public must be excluded if and as long as requested by the State Government for substantiating its motion for exclusion of the general public 4 The Bavarian State Parliament shall decide if and in what way the general public should be informed about such discussions

(2) Truthful reports about the discussions in the public meetings of the Bavarian State Parliament or its committees shall not give rise to liability unless they repeat defamations

Art. 23

(1) The Bavarian State Parliament shall reach its decision with a simple majority of the votes cast unless the Constitution provides for another proportion of votes

(2) For a quorum of the Bavarian State Parliament, the majority of its members must be present

(3) The exceptions stipulated in the Constitution shall remain unaffected

Art. 24

(1) The Bavarian State Parliament and its committees can call for the attendance of the Minister-President and each of its state minsters and state secretaries

(2) 1 The members of the State Government and their appointed agents shall have access to all sittings of the Bavarian State Parliament and the meetings of its committees 2 They must be heard at any time during the discussion, even for items that are not on the agenda

Art. 25

(1) The Bavarian State Parliament shall have the right and, on a motion of one fifth of its members, the duty to set up committees of inquiry

(2) For each new committee of inquiry set up, the chair shall rotate between the parliamentary groups depending on their relative strength in the Bavarian State Parliament

(3) 1 These committees and the authorities called on by them can gather all evidence necessary in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure, they may also summon and examine witnesses and experts, swear them in, and make use of compulsory testimony procedures against them 2 However, the secrecy of letters, post, telegraphs and telephone commutations shall remain unaffected 3 The judicial and administrative authorities shall be
