Page:Constitution of the Hawaiian Islands, 1887.pdf/19

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Article 66. The Judicial Power shall be divided among the Supreme Court and the several inferior Courts of the Kingdom, in such manner as the Legislature may, from time to time, prescribe, and the tenure of office in the inferior Courts of the Kingdom shall be such as may be defined by the law creating them.

Article 67. The Judicial Power shall extend to all cases in law and equity, arising under the Constitution and laws of this Kingdom, and Treaties made, or which shall be made under their authority, to all cases affecting Public Ministers and Consuls, and to all cases of Admiralty and Maritime jurisdiction.

Article 68. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall be the Chancellor of the Kingdom; he shall be ex officio President of the Nobles in all cases of impeachment, unless when impeached himself; and shall exercise such jurisdiction in equity or other cases as the law may confer upon him; his decisions being subject, however, to the revision of the Supreme Court on appeal. Should the Chief Justice ever be impeached, some person specially commissioned by the King shall be President of the Court of Impeachment during such trial.

Article 69. The decisions of the Supreme Court. when made by a majority of the Justices thereof, shall be final and conclusive upon all parties.

Article 70. The King, His Cabinet, and the Legislature shall have authority to require the opinions of the Justices of the Supreme Court, upon important questions of law, and upon solemn occasions.

Article 71. The King appoints the Justices of the Supreme Court, and all other Judges of Courts of Record. Their salaries are fixed by law.

Article 72. No Judge or Magistrate shall sit alone on