Page:Constitution of the Sac and Fox Nation.pdf/11

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Elmer Manatowa, Principal Chief
Sac and Fox Nation
Route 2, Box 246
Stroud, Oklahoma 74079

Dear Chief Manatowa:

This letter accompanies the following original documents; Amendment A1 to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma, and the Approval of Amendment A1 as confirmed by Mr. L. W. Collier, Jr., Acting Area Director, Anadrko Area Officer on December 12, 1989.

As you know, the Secretarial election to ratify or reject proposed Amendment A1 was held on March 17, 1990. The amendment was ratified by a vote of 165 for, 150 against, and there were 12 spoiled or mutilated ballots; 66% of the members entitled to vote cast their ballot.

These documents should be attached to the Constitution and By-Laws and retained as the originals. Copies have been provided to the appropriate Bureau offices.

On behalf of the Assistant Secretary, Area Director and myself, I commend you, your staff and the members of the Election Board for all of the excellent assistance and cooperation extended to me in conducting this Secretarial Election.

I particularly extend my thanks to the Election Board members and alternates; Ms. Glenna Carroll, Ms. Georgia Blanchard, Ms. Betty Walker, and Mr. Dan Abney for their spirit of cooperation and willingness to learn and apply federal election procedures and regulations. At all times, they conducted themselves in a highly professional and exemplary manner.


A personal signature appears here

Election Board

cc: Election Board members (4)