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law either separately or in conjunction with any other tribe or tribes within the jurisdiction of that court, and to modify the court created by this article in order to utilize an intertribal court system in conjunction with other tribes in the Anadarko Area Office jurisdiction, such modification to remain in effect so long as the Sac and Fox Nation is a participant in such intertribal court system.


SECTION 1. Any person elected to membership on the Business Committee shall not be less than twenty-one (21) years of age and shall be a member of the Sac and Fox Nation. At the time of his election, he shall reside within the geographical boundaries of the State of Oklahoma. Any member of the Business Committee removing from, the State of Oklahoma shall automatically forfeit his office.

SECTION 2. In order to provide for staggered terms of office, in the first regular election under this constitution, the Principal Chief, Second Chief, and Committee Member shall be elected to a four (4) year term of office, and the Secretary and the Treasurer shell be elected to a two (2) year term of office. Thereafter, each member of the Business Committee shall be elected to a four (4) year term of office, and the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected to a two (2) year term of office. Thereafter, each member of the Business Committee shall be elected to a four (4) year term of gee and shall serve until his successor shall be duly elected or appointed and installed in office.

SECTION 3. Any person elected to membership on the Grievance Committee shall be not less than twenty-one (21) years of age and a member of the Sac and Fox Nation. At the time of his election he shall reside within the geographical boundaries of the State of Oklahoma. Any Grievance Committee member removing from the State of Oklahoma shall automatically forfeit his office.

SECTION 4. In order to provide for staggered terms of office, in the first regular election under this constitution two (2) members shall be elected to a four (4) year term of office and one (1) member shall be elected for a two (2) year term of office. Thereafter, each member of the Grievance Committee shall be elected to a four (4) year term of office and until his successor shall be duly elected or appointed and installed in office.

SECTION 5. Regular elections of members of the Business Committee and members of the Grievance Committee shall be held in each odd-numbered year pursuant to an election ordinance prescribed by the Governing Council.

SECTION 6. No person shall be a candidate for more than one (1) office at any one election, or shall any person hold more than one elective office at any one time.


Vacancies in any elective office shall be filled by appointment of the Business Committee until the next regular election. At the next regular election the vacancy shall be filled by election for the remainder of the unexpired term, provided that, if less than a quorum of the Business Committee remain in office, the Governing Council shalt appoint the new Business Committee members for the unexpired terms at a special Governing Council meeting called by the highest ranking elected tribal official.