Page:Constitution of the state of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations - 1824.djvu/17

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enforced, restrained, molested or burthened, in his body or goods, nor disqualified from holding any office, nor otherwise suffer on account of his religious belief; and that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument, to maintain their opinion in matters of religion; and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge or affect their civil capacities; and that all other religious rights and privileges of the people of this State, as now enjoyed, shall remain inviolate and inviolable.

18. The enumeration of the foregoing rights shall not be construed to impair nor deny others retained by the people.

Article 7.
Of Education.

1. A fund shall be created from all monies received for taxes on licenses, granted under the authority of this State, for the support of Free Schools, which shall be called the School Fund, and shall be invested and remain a perpetual fund and shall continue to accumulate, until the interest arising therefrom, together with the taxes annually paid on licenses, shall be sufficient to support Free Schools, at least three months in each year, in every town in this State.

2. All charitable donations for the support of Free Schools, shall be invested and applied agreeably to the will and pleasure of the donors.

3. The General Assembly shall make all the necessary provisions by law for carrying this article into effect; but no law shall ever be passed, authorizing said fund to be diverted to any other use than the support of Free Schools, in the several towns in this State, as provided in the first paragraph of this article.

Article 8.
Of Amendments.

The General Assembly may propose amendments to this Constitution, by the votes of two thirds of the members of each House. Such propositions shall be published in the newspapers, and printed copies thereof shall be sent, by the Secretary, with the names of all the members who shall have voted thereon, with