Page:Constitutional Charter of the Kingdom of Poland, In the Year 1815.pdf/28

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  • Each chamber shall acquaint the council of State with the choice it has made.
  • The commissions shall be in communication with the council of State.

XCIX. The drafts presented, by order of the King can only be modified, by the council of State, upon the representations of the respective commissions of the diet.

C. The members of the State council, in the two chambers, and the commissioners in their respective chambers, are alone allowed to read their speeches. The other members are to speak without notes.

CI. The members of the State council have a right to sit and to speak in the two chambers whenever they are deliberating upon a government proposal. They have not a right to vote, unless they are senators, nuncios, or deputies.

CII, The reception of a law shall be determined by the majority of votes. These votes shall be given audibly. A law thus sanctioned by a majority in one chamber, is to be carried to the other, which will deliberate and decide in like manner. When the votes are equally divided, the law is to be received.

CIII. A law received by one chamber cannot be modified by the other. It must be received or rejected in toto.

CIV. A law received by the two chambers is to be submitted to the royal approbation.