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the convent school

(which I now know is induced by long continued self-abuse), and it smelt so fishy, that I absolutely declined the honour of gamahuching her, and nothing could induce me to do so.

This so enraged her that she flew at me like a tigress. I was knocked down, and beaten with a Stick thick, till my flesh was bruised all over, and then picked up, almost fainting, and hurried off to my own little room.

Perhaps nothing further would have happened, but in my innocence, I supposed my letters were sent home just as I sealed them up, so I wrote to Miss Birch a full account of what I had been seduced into, and the dreadful beating I had received, for not liking the cunt of the Lady Superior.

The very next day after I thought the letter was gone, the old nun, Serena, fetched me into a dull gloomy room, which I had never been in before, but at once rightly judged to be a punishment chamber, when I saw a high