Page:Convention on International Civil Aviation - 1944.djvu/26

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(e) Vote an annual budget and determine the financial arrangements of the Organization, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XII;

(f) Review expenditures and approve the accounts of the Organization;

(g) Refer, at 1ts discretion, to the Council, to subsidiary commissions, or to any other body any matter within its sphere of

(h) Delegate to the Council the powers and authority necessary or desirable for the discharge of the duties of the Organization and revoke or modify the delegations of authority at any time;

(i) Carry out the appropriate provisions of Chapter XIII;

(j) Consider proposals for the modification or amendment of the provisions of this Convention and, if of the proposals, recommend them to the contracting States in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XXI;

(k) Deal with any matter within the sphere of action of the Organization not specifically assigned to the Council.



Article 50

Composition and election of Council

(a) The Council shall be a permanent body responsible to the Assembly. It shall be composed of twentyone contracting States elected by the Assembly. An