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1877.—Honorable James Gibbs.

entire examination in English being carried out at centres. The abolition of the viva voce in the second language is also another modification, the effect of which will have to be carefully watched. The change is decidedly an economical one as regards the cost of the examinations, and it is the opinion of the majority of those consulted that it will do no harm, as the results of the two papers will be a sufficient test. No one can, I think, question the wisdom of the modification in the M.A. Examination, which is strictly in accordance with the well-known maxim " Poeta nascitur non fit." The double qualification in medicine and surgery which the University has always required for its degree is now more clearly defined in the change approved of from L.M. to L.M. and S. The alterations to be made in the future lists of successful candidates at the various examinations will tend to distinguish more clearly the personal merits of each student. The above are the principal modifications which have been determined on a consideration of the report of Mr. Justice West's Committee. They are experimental, tentative as all our rules must be for some years to come; but they will, I trust, be beneficial to the students and tend to uphold the status that this University wishes should be attained by all the recipients of its honours. I have not had time to dissect the returns of this year's examinations and compare them with those of previous years; but with regard to the results of the Matriculation and the surmised cause for the falling off which has appeared in some of the newspapers, I would state that three out of the four Examiners in English are the same as those who examined last year, when an exceptionally large number passed; and that, so far as the Syndicate is concerned, it strives as much as possible to keep the same persons as Examiners from year to year. Changes are always occurring from one cause or another which necessitates the appointment of fresh Examiners; but on referring to the past years, I find that from 1872-73 to 1874-75, that is, for three years, the same gentlemen examined in English at the Matriculation, with one single exception, viz., Mr. Best succeeding Mr. Wordsworth, who had gone on leave. Changes in appointments necessitated a new arrangement in 1875-76 which has held good in the present year, with the exception of Mr. Peterson taking Mr. Oxenham's place, owing to that gentleman having joined the Deccan College. I think that those, therefore, who wish to find reasons for such an unfortunate result as has occurred this year, must look beyond the mere change of Examiners. The subject of endowments again receives prominent notice in the report. This University has from its commencement overstepped its sisters under this heading. At