Page:Convocation Addresses of the Universities of Bombay and Madras.djvu/141

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University of Bombay.

by so many eminent predecessors, without expressing my earnest desire that, in so far as my influence extends, this University may not suffer from any deficiencies of mine. It is now just twelve years since I, a traveller passing through Bombay, took part as a spectator in the interesting ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of this splendid hall. That stone was laid by the Earl of Mayo, who was a most revered friend of mine, and whose untimely end is fresh in our recollections. I also met here on that occasion the respected Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Wilson, who bears a household name in Bombay, and many others whose careers are now closed and whose places inexorable fate has rendered vacant for others. On such an occasion as this we cannot help calling to mind those who have founded and maintained this institution; and we must hope that, by the aid of kind Providence, we may be enabled rightly to perform the important duties devolving upon us. I am glad, indeed, to know that since that day twelve years ago—which marks a point just half-way from the foundation of the University to the present time—it has so largely developed and prospered. I am glad to see so many young men obtaining the degrees which have just been conferred, because it shows that so many of our youth prize that hall-mark—if I may so term it—of the quality of their education which this University bestows. I have heard how earnestly our youths are availing themselves of the educational advantages extended to them, and I earnestly hope that the young men whom we see to-day obtaining the honoured prizes of a degree in this University, may find in it the beginning of a long and useful career. It has been one of the recent duties of the Government to add to the roll of Fellows nineteen other names. Let me say that my colleagues and myself have selected those names with no regard to race or creed, but with sole reference to educational eminence and their services in the cause of education, which I think alone should entitle citizens to that distinction.

Now, gentlemen, I cannot but pause for a few moments Features of the report. to note one or two features in the report just read, which strike me as remarkable. In the first place, in noting the results of Matriculation Examination, I find that only about one-third of the candidates who presented themselves were successful in passing. Well, I believe that that rather marks the high standard required by this University than the insufficient preparation which these candidates have received; and I am glad to observe by reading the curriculum laid down for each class that a really high standard is required by this University. But I think,