Page:Convocation Addresses of the Universities of Bombay and Madras.djvu/22

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1863.—Sir H. B. E. Frere.

In a greater or less degree what I have said of the Bombay Proprietary School applies to all the schools in the Presidency.

Schools vs. Colleges. I find that of the passed candidates—

25 belong to the Elphinstone College.

18 to the Poona College.

9 do Elphinstone Central School.

2 do Poona College School.

1 do Bombay Proprietary School.

1 do Free General Assembly's Institution.


So that the schools of the Presidency furnished but thirteen students for Matriculation, while the Colleges furnished forty- three.

It is evident from this that the teaching resources of the Colleges must, to some extent, be diverted from their proper object, from preparing Matriculated students for their degree, in order to bring unmatriculated students up to the Matriculation standard. I would not have our Colleges do less, but I would urge our schools to do more, for they may rest assured that their excellence as schools for imparting a liberal education will be measured in no small degree by the proportion of students they may prepare for Matriculation at the University.

I am glad to congratulate the Poona College on the large The Poona College. number of successful applicants for Matriculation who were prepared at that institution. They are 20 this year against 6 in the last.

The facilities which the capital of the Deccan possesses for obtaining a liberal education have of late been greatly increased, and I trust that the Brahmins of the Deccan will take advantage of those facilities, and not yield without a struggle the palm of intellectual superiority to their brethren of Bombay.

I am glad to find that the Senate is satisfied that there is a Examination Results. marked and steady improvement in every branch of the examinations. A larger proportion of candidates has passed, while the standards of examination have been in no respect relaxed.

Fifteen out of twenty candidates passed their First Examination in Arts (or Little go).

Three candidates out of six passed for their B.A. degree.

In Medicine, five out of thirteen candidates passed their First Examination, and there were three candidates, who all passed, one of them with great distinction, for their L.M. degree.