Page:Convocation Addresses of the Universities of Bombay and Madras.djvu/515

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University of Madras.

We can make a pretty good guess as to what the East Aryan can do, when he has had "all the chances." We can hardly make a guess as to what the Dravidian may do. Very likely he will never be able to do work as good as that of the East Aryan, but it is almost certain that tho best he does will be different in kind.


(By Rajah Sir T. Madava Row, K.C.S.I.)

Gentlemen,—His Excellency the Chancellor having asked me to deliver the usual address to you on this occasion, I obey as a matter of duty and deference. I feel all the more gratified because the duty has been confided to me by no less a personage than the Governor of the Presidency, whom we have all so cordially welcomed, and who has already inspired all classes of the people with the confidence that his rule will be just, generous, and beneficent to the utmost of his power and opportunities. As an old friend of the people of Madras, it is a peculiar pleasure to me to stand in this position. I will not affect any extraordinary diffidence in the performance of the duty with which I am charged, for I am much your senior in years, and, therefore, in experience.

Gentlemen, I warmly congratulate you on the Academic honours yon have won,—won after long and anxious toil, not unfrequently amid unknown difficulties, pressure, and privations. The University to which you belong will watch your future with affectionate interest. May your careers be long, happy and honourable.

Let me warn you that the world you are about to enter is by no means as smooth and beautiful as the pencil of youth and hope may have painted it to your imagination. A timely warning. In reality, it is full of divergences, difficulties, disappointments and dangers. After your entrance into it, it will not be long before you begin to realise the full meaning of what is called "the Battle of Life." You will find a ceaseless strife going on everywhere in pursuit of food, fortune or fame. The persons engaged are innumerable, the arms employed are of infinite diversity. You will have to make way amid dust and darkness; you will have to wade through knowledge and ignorance of all degrees; through prejudices and passions and errors and even vices difficult of enumeration. False lights will often misguide you; powerful temptations will lure you; unexpected obstacles will stop you; new problems