Page:Convocation Addresses of the Universities of Bombay and Madras.djvu/52

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1867-Sir H. B. E. Frere.
generally in the hands of educated natives, writing anonymously, would naturally betray, if it existed, any prevalent spirit of disloyalty to the British Government. But I bear willing testimony to the fact that, whatever may be its defects in other respects, the usual spirit of the native press in this Presidency is one of spontaneous respect for and sympathy with the British Government. Individual rulers may be criticized severely, perhaps unjustly, but as regards the Government at large the prevailing tone of the native press is at least as respectful as in England, and its criticism is often expressed with remarkable ability. I would, before concluding, once more state very emphatically my convictions of the soundness of that policy which has led the University to insist on strict and severe examinations, which by limiting the number of admissions to the University, and by raising the tests required for its honours, has made its growth appear less rapid than it otherwise might have been. I am convinced that what has thus been lost in rapidity of growth has been gained in soundness and permanence of result, and it is this rigour of selection which has justified the Government in recognizing the University Degrees as a mark of social rank and official qualification. Benefactors. It has every year been a pleasing duty of the University to acknowledge the munificence of its benefactors. The benefactors have been hitherto almost exclusively citizens of Bombay; but I am glad to observe in your report the record of a scholarship founded by the Jam of Nowanuggur, a Kattywar Chief. This is, I trust, the precursor of other foundations of local scholarships which will perform for this University the same service as has been rendered in earlier days to our English Universities by their local foundations. A graceful farewell. In now taking leave of the University of Bombay, it is a satisfaction to me to know that I leave behind me colleagues who I believe concur with me in the views I have endeavoured very inadequately to express regarding the work of this University, and the soundness of the foundation which has been laid by yourself and by your accomplished predecessors in your great office as Director General of Public Instruction in this Presidency. I feel assured that you will have every support in your good work from my successor, who will come among you with a name not undistinguished in one of our great store-houses of active thought and learning to which the freedom and the power of England owe so much. It is a great gratification to me to know that you propose to perpetuate the memory of my tenure of office as your Chancellor. Few things will give me greater pleasure in other lands than to know that I have