Page:Convocation Addresses of the Universities of Bombay and Madras.djvu/89

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University of Bombay.

more serious can be taken, and no such step ought to be taken without a thorough conviction of the consequences that may ensue. At the same time, gentlemen, feeling that such is the case—feeling that this is the assistance to which alone the police must look, and being fully aware that the festival termed the Mohurrum is close at hand, the Government is sensible that it cannot possibly expect the police to sustain for many days together their prolonged exertions, and to alone preserve the public peace. We feel we must support them, and therefore, after full consideration, it has determined that upon this occasion—I say "on this occasion" distinctly,—the processions usual in the Mohurrum festival are not to take place. I hope and trust that we shall have, as we have a right to expect, the assistance of all honest and good men, of all classes, to put an end to these disturbances. But we do not trust to the efforts of independent people outside. We yesterday decided that troops must be sent for in such numbers that further attempts at violence will be put an end to. The consequence is as the result of yesterday's orders, that one regiment is now in Bombay, half a European regiment will be here this evening, and cavalry will be here tomorrow. The movement of the military has been effected with the greatest promptitude by the authorities. I feel there may be some here who will say that this is not the proper place for such observations as I have addressed to you, but if such be your opinion I must beg your forgiveness. My object has been to satisfy the people of this country, here in the presence of the leading members of every class of society, that the Government was fully alive to its duty of protecting life and property, while fully commiserating with those who have suffered, and was prepared to do its duty to the utmost during these disturbances.

I shall not trespass on your patience further upon this occasion, but, reverting to the business of the day, invite you to join in the hope and prayer that, under Providence, this building, with the aid of the enlightened Professors who are likely to be engaged on it, may for many generations to come be regarded as an honour to the city, and that it will long tend to assist in the moral and social improvement of the people of India.


(By The Honorable James Gibbs, C.S., F.R.G.S.)

Gentlemen of the Senate,—Owing to His Excellency the Chancellor's absence in Kattywar, it falls to me to address you