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University of Bombay.

Senate to accept the terms. There has, I believe,been some difficulty in arranging the memorial in honour of the late Dr. Bhau Daji, of which I spoke last year, but it is hoped that at the next Convocation mention may be made of the means adopted to perpetuate the memory of one who from its foundation was a warm supporter and able administrator of this institution.

I will now turn to the statistical portion of the report, and the first fact which strikes us is the great increase over the previous year in the percentage of passed candidates at the Matriculation Examination, and the great falling off in the number of successful candidates in the examination for the B.A. Degree. Of the former in 1874, out of 1,084 only 262, or 24 per cent, passed, while in 1875, out of 1,240, 434, or 35 per cent, were successful; and of the latter in 1874 out of 64, 30, or 46 per cent, were successful, while in 1875, out of 84 only 18, or 21 per cent, passed.

The result of the University examinations has often been a topic for discussion in the public prints, and last year there was a great deal of correspondence regarding the very unfavourable result of the Matriculation Examination. Not only was the system of the examination attacked, but even the Examiners themselves did not escape. This year, owing apparently to the percentage being much higher than last, no comments have appeared; but I mention this subject, because I wish to draw attention to the following result of an examination of the returns of the past five years and a comparison between the Matriculation and B.A. Examinations, viz., that whenever the percentage of successful candidates at the former is high, we find that at the corresponding B.A. Examination, three years after, the percentage of successful candidates is low, and that the converse also holds good. I will take the following extract to prove what I mean:-— In 1868, 41 per cent., and in 1872, 43 per cent. passed the Matriculation, and in 1871 only 28 per cent., and in 1875 only 21 per cent. passed the B.A.; while in 1869 only 17 per cent., and in 1870 only 16 per cent. were successful at Matriculation; and at the B.A. Examination of 1872, 45 per cent., and in 1873, 42 per cent. passed. It would seem from this that when a large proportion are successful in the Matriculation Examination it is more owing to the leniency of the Examiners than the fitness of the students, and I venture to think that such leniency is a mistake if we are to maintain the high standards for honours which has ever been the aim of this University. We have this year to congratulate the Principals and Professors of the Medical and Civil Engineering Colleges on the success which has attended