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Heaven her Eridanus no more shall boast,
Whose Fame is thine, like lesser Currents lost;
Thy nobler Streams shall visit Jove's Abodes,
To shine among the Stars, and bathe the Gods;
The Forrest.Here Nature, whether more intent to please
Us, or herself with strange Varieties;
(For Things of Wonder give no less Delight
To the wise Makers, than Beholder's Sight.
Though these Delights from several causes wove,
For so our Children, thus our Friends we love)
Wisely she knew the Harmony of Things,
As well as that of Sounds, from Discord springs.
Such was the Discord, which did first disperse
Form, Order, Beauty, through the Universe;
While Driness, Moisture, Coldness, Heat resists,
All that we have, and that we have subsists.
While the steep horrid Roughness of the Wood
Strive with the gentle Calmness of the Flood.
Such huge Extreames when Nature doth unite,
Wonder from thence results, from thence Delight;
Narcissus.The Stream is so transparent, pure and clear,
That had the self-enamour'd Youth gaz'd here,
So fatally deceiv'd he had not been,
While he the Bottom, not his Face had seen.
But his proud Head the airy Mountain hides
Among the Clouds; his Shoulders, and his Sides
A shady Mantle clothes; his curled Brows
Frown on the gentle Stream, which calmly flows,
