Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/614

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Simulta- neous pub- lication or peifoimance

Blasphe- mous, etc., matter

Application of common law

State copy- right acts

Rights under state laws

delivery in the Commonwealth shall be deemed to be simultaneous with publication, performance, or delivery elsewhere if the period between the publications, perform- ances, or deliveries does not exceed fourteen days.

6. Blasphemous, &c., matter not protected. — No copy- right, performing right, or lecturing right shall subsist un- der this Act in any blasphemous, indecent, seditious, or libellous work or matter.

7. Application of the Common Law. — Subject to this and any other Acts of the Parliament, the Common Law of England relating to proprietary rights in unpublished lit- erary compositions, shall after the commencement of this Act, apply throughout the Commonwealth.

8. State Copyright Acts not to apply to copyright under this Act. — (i.) The State Copyright Acts so far as they relate to the copyright in any book, the performing right in any musiqal or dramatic work, the lecturing right in any lec- ture, or the copyright in any artistic or fine art work shall not apply to any book, dramatic or musical work, lecture, or artistic work in which copyright, performing right, or lecturing right, subsists under this Act.

Saving of rights under State laws. — (2.) Subject to Part II. of this Act, nothing in this Act shall affect the applica- tion of the laws in force in any State at the commencement of this Act to any copyright or other right in relation to books or dramatic or musical works or lectures or artistic or fine art works acquired under or protected by those laws before the commencement of this Act.



Division I. — The Registrar and the Copyright Office

Registrar 9. Registrar. — (i.) There shall be a Registrar of Copy-


(2.) The Governor-General may appoint one or more Deputy Registrars of Copyrights who shall, subject to the control of the Registrar of Copyrights, have all the powers conferred by this Act on the Registrar.

10. Copyright Office. — For the purposes of this Act an