Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/643

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nal work, by publishing or causing to be published in one of the countries of the Union, a translation in the language for which protection shall be claimed.

For works published in incomplete parts ("livrai- sons") the period of ten years commences from the date of publication of the last part of the original work.

For works composed of several volumes published at intervals, as well as for bulletins or collections ("ca- hiers") published by liter- ary or scientific societies, or by private persons, each volume, bulletin, or collec- tion is, with regard to the period of ten years, consid- ered a separate work.

In the cases provided for by the present article, and for the calculation of the period of protection, the 31st of December of the year in which the work was published is admitted as the date of publication.

Article VII Serial stories (" romans- feuilletons"), including nov- els, published in newspapers or periodicals of one of the countries of the Union, can-

Works pub- lished in incomplete parts

Works pub- lished in sev- eral volumes

Article 9 Serial stories (romans- Serials and feuilletons), novels and all other works

otherworks, whether liter- "mews-

. -c ^. ^. papers or

ary, scientific or artistic, periodicals

whatever may be their sub- protected