Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/711

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Abandonment, 121.

Abemethy v. Hutchinson (1825), 90.

Abridgment, 64, 80, 82, 145, 199, 255, 392;

§ 6, 468; R. § 18, soo; Au. § 13, 584; § 28,

587; §29, 588; 1. 614. Account books, noncopr., 71; R. § 5, 496. Accounts. See Damages. Acrobatic tricks noncopr., 163; R. § 8, 497. Actions. See Suits. Acts of Parliament, Crown copr., 123. Ad interim copr. See Interim copr. Adamnan, 9. Adams, G. E., 362. Adaptation, 12, 30, 42, 43, 64, 113, 163, 170,

197, 199, 210, 243, 319, 326, 328, 392, 403,

40s; § I (b), 46s; § 6, 468; R. § 10, 498;

Au. § 13, 584; 1. 604, 614, 615; P. 634, 651. Additions, 75, 77, 174; P. 651; by publislier,

100. See also Editions, new. Addresses. See Oral work. Administrator, 95, 102, 104; § 8, 469; R. §

2, 495 ; C. § 2, 5SS- See also Heir. Advertisements, 69, 71, 73, 236, 237; R. § s,

496; C. § 14, 564. Advertising labels, 223; novelties, 72, 223,

224;R. §r2,498;§i6,499. .Slolian Co., 204. Affidavit of manufacture, 88, 136, 138, 139,

IS4, 158, 167, 229, 303, 397, 511; § 16,

472; § 17, 472; § ss, 484; R. § 32, S04; § 33,

505; § 34, 506; § 35, S06; false, I2r, 126,

144, 158; §17, 472- Agent, 286; literary, 43s. See also Publisher. Agreements. See Contract. Alaska, 39, 108, 270; § 34, 481. Albert, Prince. See Prince. Aldus, 13, 14. Algiers, 400, 418. Alien. See Foreign author. Almanacs, 21, 38. Alterations, 75, 100, 101, 174, i99, M3, 252,

2S4, 414, 433, 438; E. § 19 (2), 53°, (7) S32;

P. 651. 5ee afao Editions, new.

America. See United States, Canada, Latin America, Pan American, names of coun- tries, etc.

Amer. (Authors) Copr. League, 118, 156,

2i4i 356, 358, 359, 361, 367, 370, 430. 454-

Amer. Bar Assoc, 46, 371.

Amer. Book Co. v. Doan (1901), 263.

Amer. Book Co., importation case, 285.

Amer. Dramatists Club, 194.

Amer. Press Assoc, v. Daily Story Pub. Co. (1902), 253.

Amer. Publishers' Assoc, 55.

Amer. Publishers' Copr. League, 360, 455.

Amer. Tobacco Co. See Werckmeister.

Amsterdam Literary Congress (1883), 314.

Animal shows, noncopr., 163; R. § 8, 497.

Anne, Statute of (1710), 6, 23, 24, 28, 34, 35, 108,125,265,373.

Annotations, 69.

Annulment of copr. entry, 121.

AnonjTnous and pseudonymous works, 87, 98, loi, 113, lis, 120, 122, 124, 129, 137, 319, 328, 333, sii; § 23, 474; R. § 24, 501; § 3°, 503; C. § 24, 568; in other coun- tries, 151, 319, 328, 329, 403-29; I- 610, 617; P. 634, 650.

Antwerp literary congress (1885), 314.

Appeal in copr. cases, 36, 269, 272, 404, 434; § 38, 481; E. § 12, 525, 552; C. § 6 (2), 560.

Appleton, Nathan, 355.

Appleton proposal (1872), 350.

Appleton, W: H., 360.

Application, 16, 63, 95, 96, 120, 136-39, 389; § 5, 467; R- § 29, 502; § 30, 503; § 31, 503; § 38, 507; § 39, 507; C. § 7 (5) 561; § 25, 568; forms, 139, 168, 227, 229, 511; R. § 31, 503; for renewal and extension, 115, 116; § 23, 474; § 24, 47S; R- § 46, S09; P- 638.

Appraisal of copyrights, 452.

Appraisers, Bd. of Gen., 292.

Apsley, Ld. Chancellor, 80.

Archbold ». Sweet (1832), 443.