Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/736

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Robinson, W. E., bill (1882), 356.

Rolls, perforated. See Mechanical instru- ments.

Roman literature, 8.

Rome literary congress (1882), 314.

Roosevelt, President, 368, 371.

Rosebery's, Ld., speeches reported verbatim, 68.

Rosmini, Enrico, 461.

Rothlisberger, Ernest, 330, 462.

Roumania, 323, 414.

Routledge v. Low (1868), 109, 374.

Rowlett, J: private copr. grant, 38.

Royal Copr. Commission. See Commission.

Royal Sales Co. i;. Gaynor (1908), 70.

Royalties, 123, 124, igg, 201, 202, 206, 207, 209, 211, 268, 377, 38s, 412, 43S, 437, 439, 440, 447-Sii I I (e). 466; I 25 (e), 477; E. § 3, 520; § 19, 530-33; § 24, 534; C. § 6, S59; § 33, S7i; § 41, S7S- See also Licenses.

Rules. See Regulations.

Russell V. Smith (1848), 176, 189, 191.

Russia, 124, 197, 214, 29s, 323, 409.

Saake v. Lederer (1909), 107.

Sabellico, 10, 13.

St. Columba, 9.

St. Leonards, Ld., i.

St. Mark's library, 16.

Sale, 10,42, 45-49, 54-57, 127, 163, 265, 333, 378; § 1, 465; C. § 4, 559; § 13, 562; P. 633, 637, 649; as publication, 53, 127; § 62, 488; Au. §4, 581; control of, 5, 54, 60; with- drawal from, 49. See also Assignment, Ma- terial object. Outright.

Salvador, 112, 316, 332, 334, 336, 340, 422, 423, 643, 652.

Sampson & Murdock Co. ». Seaver Rad- ford (1905), 255-

Sarpy v. Holland (1908), 313.

San Domingo. See Dominican Republic.

San Marino, 413.

Sanborn, Judge, 47.

Sandwich Islands. See Hawaii.

Sarpy v. Holland (1908), 313.

Scandinavian countries, 248, 407. See also Denmark, Norway, Sweden.

Scenario, 145, 176; R. § 18, 500.

Scenes, infringing, 174, 191.

Scenic composition, 175, 178; E. § 35 (i),

542; C. § 2, sss; Au. § 4, 581. See also

Dramatic work. Schedules, British, 377, 379; E. § 2, 519;

§ 36, S44, 546; C. § 33, 571, 576. Schemes noncopr., 61. See also Arrangement,

Methods. Schlesinger v. Bedford (1890), 173. Schlesinger v. Turner (1890), 173. Schoffer, 10.

Scholz V. Amasis (1909), 176. School books. See Education. Schoolcraft, private copr. grant, 38. Schott, Johann, 11.

Schumacher v. Wogram (1888), 130, 237. Scientific work, 64, 127, 140, 154, 156, 223,

224, 225, 228, 229, 326, 333, 388; § 5 (i), 468; § 15, 471; R- § 14, 498; 1. 603; P. 634, 637, 649-

Scope of copr., 42-62, 318, 319, 326, 327,

332, 375, 387, 392, 393; § 1-3, 465-67;

E. § 1-5, 517-22; C. § 2, 556; Au. § 13-15,

584; I. 606; P. 633, 634, 637, 649. Score-card noncopr., 70. Scotland, E. § 12, 525, 549, 552. See also

British. Scribner v. Straus (1908), 55, 56; other cases,

260. Scriptorium, 8. Scrolls, ornamental, noncopr., 224; R. § i5,

499- Scrutton, T. E., 181, 458. Sculpture, 27, 64, 66, 127, 145, 151, 223, 224,

225, 226, 229, 243, 24s, 246, 247, 248, 250, 264, 266, 267, 326, 332, 370, 388; § s (i), 468; § II, 470; § 18, 472; § 25 (b), 476; R. § 12, § 14, § IS, 498; § 20, 500; § 25, Soi; E.§ I (3), 518; § 2, 518; § 35, 542; C. § 2, 555; § 3 (3); § 4, 558; § 26, 568; Au. § 4, 480; I. 603; P. 634, 637, 649; acts, 27, 246. See also Architecture, Artistic work.

Seal of copr. oflSice, 141, 300, 303; § 52, 484. Sealed deposit of author's name, 420, 421,

427. Search warrants, E. 552; C. § 15, 564; Au.

§ 52, 593- Searches, 306, 309; § 61, 487; R. § 49, 5°9l Au. § 7ij 600.