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NO. 2 OF 1987

Apportionment of profits between owner and exclusive licensee

127. Where—

(a) an action, insofar as it is brought under section 119, relates, in whole or in part, to an infringement in respect of which the owner of the copyright and the exclusive licensee have concurrent rights of action under that section; and
(b) in that action, whether the owner of the copyright and the exclusive licensee are both parties or not, an account of profits is directed to be taken in respect of that infringement,

then, subject to any agreement of which the court is aware by which the application of those profits is determined as between the owner of the copyright and the exclusive licensee, the court shall apportion the profits between them in such a manner as the court considers just and shall give such directions as the court considers appropriate for giving effect to that apportionment.

Separate actions in relation to the same infringement

128. In an action brought by the owner of the copyright or by the exclusive licensee—

(a) a judgment or order for the payment of damages in respect of an infringement of copyright shall not be given or made under section 119 if a final judgment or order has been given or made in favour of the other party directing an account of profits under that section in respect of the same infringement; and
(b) a judgment or order for an account of profits in respect of an infringement of copyright shall not be given or made under that section if a final judgment or order has been given or made in favour of the other party awarding damages or directing an account of profits under that section in respect of the same infringement.

Liability for costs

129. Where, in an action to which section 124 applies, whether brought by the owner of the copyright or by the exclusive licensee, the