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NO. 2 OF 1987

56. Conditions upon which manufacturer may make records of musical work
57. Amount of royalty
58. Provisions relating to royalty where two or more works are on the one record
59. Revision of royalty and minimum royalty
60. Conditions upon which manufacturer may include part of a literary or dramatic work in a record of a musical work
61. Making inquiries in relation to previous records
62. Application of Division in relation to record of part of a work
Division 9—Acts not Constituting Infringements of Copyright in Artistic Works
63. Sculptures and certain other works in public places
64. Buildings and models of buildings
65. Incidental filming or televising of artistic works
66. Publication of artistic works
67. Artistic works included in a cable programme
68. Reproduction for purpose of including work in television broadcast or cable programme
69. Reproduction of work in different dimensions
70. Special exception for artistic works which have been industrially applied
71. Reproduction of part of work in later work
72. Reconstruction of buildings
Division 10—Designs
73. Interpretation
74. Special exception in respect of industrial design
Division 11—Works of Joint Authorship
75. References to all of joint authors
76. References to any one or more of joint authors
77. References to whichever of joint authors died last
78. Works of joint authorship published under pseudonyms
79. Copyright to subsist in joint works without regard to any author who is an unqualified person
80. Inclusion of joint works in collections for use in educational institutions