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NO. 2 OF 1987

(a) where any of those sections provides that the copyright in the article, thesis or work is not infringed — the reference to that copyright included a reference to any copyright in the illustrations;
(b) a reference in section 45, 46, 47 or 48 to a copy of the article, thesis or work included a reference to a copy of the article, thesis or work together with a copy of the illustrations;
(c) a reference in section 45 or 46 to a copy of a part of the article or work included a reference to a copy of that part of the article or work together with a copy of the illustrations that were provided for the purpose of explaining or illustrating that part; and
(d) a reference in section 48 or 49 to the doing of any act in relation to the work included a reference to the doing of that act in relation to the work together with the illustrations.

Division 6—Copying of Works in Educational Institutions

Multiple copying of insubstantial portions of works

51.—(1) Subject to this section, copyright in a literary or dramatic work is not infringed by the making, on the premises of an educational institution, by any person, for the purposes of a course of education provided by the institution, of a copy or copies of a page or pages of the work in an edition of the work, or of works that include the work.

(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to—

(a) the making of a copy or copies of the whole of a work; or
(b) the making of a copy or copies of more than 5 of the pages of a work in an edition of the work, or of works that include the work, unless—
(i) one per cent of the total number of pages in the edition exceeds 5 pages; and
(ii) the total number of pages so copied does not exceed 5 per cent of the total number of pages in the edition.