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Fair dealing for purpose of research or private study

109. Section 35(1) and (2) shall apply to the doing of any act in relation to audio-visual items as it applies to the doing of that act in relation to literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works.

Fair dealing for purpose of criticism or review

110. A fair dealing with an audio-visual item shall not constitute an infringement of the copyright in the item or in any work or other audio-visual item included in the item if it is for the purpose of criticism or review, whether of the first-mentioned audio-visual item, another audio-visual item or a work, and a sufficient acknowledgement of the first-mentioned audio-visual item is made.

Fair dealing for purpose of reporting news

111. A fair dealing with an audio-visual item shall not constitute an infringement of the copyright in the item or in any work or other audio-visual item included in the item if—

(a) it is for the purpose of, or is associated with, the reporting of news in a newspaper, magazine or similar periodical and a sufficient acknowledgement of the first-mentioned audiovisual item is made; or
(b) it is for the purpose of, or is associated with, the reporting of news by means of broadcasting or a cable programme service or in a cinematograph film.

Copying of unpublished sound recordings and cinematograph films in libraries or archives

112. Where, at a time more than 50 years after the time at which, or the expiration of the period during which, a sound recording or cinematograph film was made, copyright subsists in the sound recording or cinematograph film but—

(a) the sound recording or cinematograph film has not been published; and
(b) a record embodying the sound recording, or a copy of the cinematograph film, is kept in the collection of a library or