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[Pt. II-III, S. 12-13]
Act 332

Administration of Government copyright. 12. Where the copyright in any work is vested in the Government, the Ministry or Department concerned with the copyright shall be responsible for the administration and control of that copyright on behalf of the Government:

Provided that the Ministry or Department concerned may authorize the Director of National Archives to administer and control that copyright on behalf of the Government.

Part III

Nature of copyright in literary, musical or artistic works, films and sound recordings. 13. (1) Copyright in a literary, musical or artistic work, a film, or a sound recording shall be the exclusive right to control in Malaysia—

(a) the reproduction in any material form;
(b) the communication to the public;
(c) the broadcasting;
(d) the communication by cable; and
(e) the distribution to the public,

of the whole work or a substantial part thereof, either in its original or derivative form:

Provided that in respect of sound recording, the rights mentioned in (b), (c) and (d) shall not be exercised without the consent of the author of the musical work.

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the right of control under that subsection does not include the right to control—

(a) the doing of any of the acts referred to in subsection (1) by way of fair dealing for purposes of non-profit research, private study, criticism or the reporting of current events, subject to the condition that if such use if public, it is accompanied by an