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The Tragedy of Coriolanus, IV. ii

From these old arms and legs, by the good gods, 56
I'd with thee every foot.

Cor. Give me thy hand:
Come. Exeunt.

Scene Two

[The Same. A Street near the Gate]

Enter the two Tribunes, Sicinius and Brutus, with the Ædile.

Sic. Bid them all home; he's gone, and we'll no further.
The nobility are vex'd, whom we see have sided
In his behalf.

Bru. Now we have shown our power,
Let us seem humbler after it is done 4
Than when it was a-doing.

Sic. Bid them home;
Say their great enemy is gone, and they
Stand in their ancient strength.

Bru. Dismiss them home.
[Exit Ædile.]
Here comes his mother.

Enter Volumnia, Virgilia, and Menenius.

Sic. Let's not meet her.

Bru. Why? 8

Sic. They say she's mad.

Bru. They have ta'en note of us: keep on your way.

Vol. O! y' are well met. The hoarded plague o' the gods
Requite your love!

2 have sided: to have enlisted themselves
11 The hoarded . . . gods: every plague the gods have stored up