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The Tragedy of Coriolanus, IV. v

To bitterest enmity: so, fellest foes,
Whose passions and whose plots have broke their sleep
To take the one the other, by some chance, 20
Some trick not worth an egg, shall grow dear friends
And interjoin their issues. So with me:
My birth-place hate I, and my love's upon
This enemy town. I'll enter: if he slay me, 24
He does fair justice; if he give me way,
I'll do his country service. Exit.

Scene Five

[The Same. A Hall in Aufidius' House]

Music plays. Enter a Servingman.

1. Serv. Wine, wine, wine! What service is
here! I think our fellows are asleep. [Exit.]

Enter another Servingman.

2. Serv. Where's Cotus? my master calls for
him. Cotus! 4 Exit.

Enter Coriolanus.

Cor. A goodly house: the feast smells well; but I
Appear not like a guest.

Enter the First Servingman.

1. Serv. What would you have, friend? Whence
are you? Here's no place for you: pray, go to 8
the door. Exit.

Cor. I have deserv'd no better entertainment,
In being Coriolanus.

18 fellest: fiercest
19 passions: violent emotions
20 To take . . . other; cf. n.
22 interjoin their issues: intermarry their children (to make the league perpetual)
23 hate; cf. n.
25 way: scope, opportunity