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The Tragedy of Coriolanus, V. v

Flutter'd your Volscians in Corioli: 116
Alone I did it. Boy!

Auf. Why, noble lords,
Will you be put in mind of his blind fortune,
Which was your shame, by this unholy braggart,
'Fore your own eyes and ears?

All Consp. Let him die for 't. 120

All People. Tear him to pieces.—Do it
presently.—He killed my son.—My daughter.
—He killed my cousin Marcus.—He killed my
father. 124

2. Lord. Peace, ho! no outrage: peace!
The man is noble and his fame folds in
This orb o' the earth. His last offences to us
Shall have judicious hearing. Stand, Aufidius, 128
And trouble not the peace.

Cor. O that I had him,
With six Aufidiuses, or more, his tribe,
To use my lawful sword!

Auf. Insolent villain!

All. Consp. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill him!

Draw all the Conspirators, and kill Martius,
who falls. Aufidius stands on him.

Lords. Hold, hold, hold, hold! 132

Auf. My noble masters, hear me speak.

1. Lord. O Tullus!

2. Lord. Thou hast done a deed whereat valour will weep.

3. Lord. Tread not upon him, masters; all be quiet.
Put up your swords. 136

Auf. My lords, when you shall know,—as in this rage,

116 Flutter'd: put to flight
128 judicious: judicial, legal
Stand: stay, hold