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The Tragedy of Coriolanus

made on: 105 (IV. v. 203)

maims: 101 (IV. v. 92)

make a lip at: 38 (II. i. 129)

make remain: 21 (I. iv. 62)

malkin: 42 (II. i. 227)

mammocked: 16 (I. iii. 71)

manent: 11 (I. i. 257 S. d.)

man-enter'd: 49 (II. ii. 104)

mankind: 93 (IV. ii. 16)

map: 36 (II. i. 70)

mark: 49 (II. ii. 94)

marks: 57 (II. iii. 148)

means: 115 (IV. vii. 7)

measles: 66 (III. i. 77)

meiny: 65 (III. i. 65)

memory: 101 (IV. v. 77)

mend: 20 (I. iv. 38)

merely: 75 (III. i. 303)

microcosm: 36 (II. i. 70)

mind: 66 (III. i. 85)

minded: 118 (V. i. 18)

monster'd: 48 (II. ii. 82)

mortal: 75 (III. i. 295)

motion: 36 (II. i. 57)

motion toward: 47 (II. ii. 58)

motive: 68 (III. i. 128)

mountebank: 83 (III. ii. 132)

movers: 21 (I. v. 4)

mulled: 107 (IV. v. 240)

multitudinous tongue: 69 (III. i. 155)

mummers: 37 (II. i. 85)

muniments: 5 (I. i. 124)

muse: 77 (III. ii. 7)

name: 39 (II. i. 151)

napless: 43 (II. i. 253)

naught: 72 (III. i. 230)

navel: 68 (III. i. 122)

needer: 91 (IV. i. 44)

needless vouches: 56 (II. iii. 124)

nervy: 40 (II. i. 179)

nicely-gawded: 43 (II. i. 236)

nor . . . nor: 7 (I. i. 175); 125 (V. iii. 18)

nose: 118 (V. i. 28)

notched: 105 (IV. v. 199)

note: 30 (I. ix. 49); 95 (IV. iii. 11)

note me: 5 (I. i. 133)

nothing: 106 (IV. v. 235)

notion: 140 (V. v. 107)

o' (for): 55 (II. iii. 78); (out of): 117 (V. i. 14)

object: 1 (I. i. 21)

occupation: 112 (IV. vi. 98)

occupations: 90 (IV. i. 14)

o'erborne: 111 (IV. vi. 79)

o'er-peer: 56 (II. iii. 128)

of (upon): 60 (II. iii. 215)

off: 47 (II. ii. 65)

off, be: 56 (II. iii. 106)

offence: 118 (V. i. 28)

offer'd: 118 (V. i. 23)

office (verb): 122 (V. ii. 67)

offices: 6 (I. i. 143)

on: 83 (III. iii. 4)

once: 52 (II. iii. 1); 52 (II. iii. 16)

on's: 16 (I. iii. 72)

opposite: 46 (II. ii. 23)

or . . . or: 33 (I. x. 16); 129 (V. iii. 109)

orange-wife: 36 (II. i. 79)

ordinance: 77 (III. ii. 12)

osprey: 116 (IV. vii. 34)

ostentation: 26 (I. vi. 86)

other: 112 (IV. vi. 103)

out (adv.): 103 (IV. v. 127)

out (out of): 122 (V. ii. 41)

out of: 122 (V. ii. 52, 53)

out of action: 15 (I. iii. 28)

over-measure: 68 (III. i. 139)

overture: 30 (I. ix. 46)

owe: 73 (III. i. 241); 82 (III. ii. 130)

palates: 67 (III. i. 103)