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The Tragedy of Coriolanus, III. i

Enter an Ædile.

Let him be apprehended. 172

Sic. Go, call the people; [Exit Ædile.] in whose name, myself
Attach thee as a traitorous innovator,
A foe to the public weal: obey, I charge thee,
And follow to thine answer.

Cor. Hence, old goat! 176

All. We'll surety him.

Com. Ag'd sir, hands off.

Cor. Hence, rotten thing! or I shall shake thy bones
Out of thy garments.

Sic. Help, ye citizens!

Enter a rabble of Plebeians with the Ædiles.

Men. On both sides more respect. 180

Sic. Here's he that would take from you all your power.

Bru. Seize him, ædiles!

All. Down with him!—down with him!—

2. Sen. Weapons!—weapons!—weapons!— 184
They all bustle about Coriolanus.
Tribunes!—patricians!—citizens!—What ho!—

All. Peace!—Peace!—Peace!—Stay!—Hold!—Peace!

Men. What is about to be?—I am out of breath; 188
Confusion's near; I cannot speak. You, tribunes
To the people! Coriolanus, patience!
Speak, good Sicinius.

Sic. Hear me, people; peace!

All. Let's hear our tribune:—Peace!— Speak, speak, speak. 192

174 Attach: arrest
innovator: agitator
177 surety: vouch for