Page:Cornelia Meigs--The Pool of Stars.djvu/112

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The Pool of Stars

possession of the tree, I believe you could remember better what happened in those early days and how America built up her shipping, that merchant marine about which I have heard you groan. Would you like to hear?"

"We would," answered the two in a single breath.

"And may I go and bring the tree to show David?" Elizabeth asked. She scarcely waited for permission but was off down the path having quite forgotten her former weariness.

Michael was sitting on the bench as Miss Miranda had said, and would not even respond to her greeting as she passed. He had been so friendly of recent days that she stopped, surprised, and turned back to question him.

"What is the matter Michael? Is it really the black cat that troubles you so?"

"Matter enough," he returned morosely, "even without the black cat. There has been trouble brewing for long and I am thinking it is about to break."

"But why? What trouble? What makes you think so?" Betsey pressed her questions anxiously. But his answers were most unsatisfactory.

"Oh, just trouble. And how do I know it is coming soon? I feel it in my bones like."

He would say no more and she was forced to go about her errand. As she crossed the lawn by the