Page:Cornelia Meigs--The Pool of Stars.djvu/130

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The Pool of Stars

lish, French or Spanish? Have you not learned once what America thinks of piracy?"

The fat man shrugged his shoulders again.

"America is a forgetful land, and far away," he commented drily. "News carries thither slowly and judgment comes even slower back again. It is twenty years since your country fought with mine; we believe America is ceasing to watch us. The Atlantic is a broad and windy sea!"

"You do not know," the young officer replied slowly, "that there is a wise man in my country, my comrade and dear friend, who has learned how to make the Atlantic a thousand miles less broad. He built this ship with which we have shortened the voyage by four days and will, when we set sail again, lessen it by more than that. Your pirate craft are swift but Yankee wits are swifter and presently your vessels will bring back a tale—for every sea-coast will ring with it—that Jonathan Adams' ship the West Wind has crossed the ocean in eighteen days."

"Eighteen days," scoffed the other, "that is past any man's belief. Ships move by sails, not wings!"

"Eighteen days," repeated Humphrey sternly, "I promise you that you will hear of our voyage made in just that time. And when other vessels are built to match or to better her, our country will come a great stride nearer to you, a thousand miles nearer to traitors, murderers and thieves."