Page:Cornelia Meigs--The Pool of Stars.djvu/202

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The Pool of Stars

have no patience, have you,' says I, 'with them that took you in and cared for you and bore with those ways you have that no one likes. You're prosperous yourself through their help, if you want them to rebuild their house why don't you give them aid in doing it? Miss Miranda toils and saves and has her garden and her ducks and anything she can think of to make things go forward, so that her father will have what he needs for his work.' All of that I says to him and I wish the Saints had struck me dumb before I spoke.

"'She works so that her father may have what he needs?' he repeats. 'So that is how things stand, just as I had been suspecting. Thank you, Michael, that is all I wanted to know,' he says and goes, leaving me gaping after him as he walks away over the snow. I did not know even then what use he was to make of what I had told him, but I saw well enough that I had done harm. And so I have been doing all I could to make amends," he ended sadly; "I have watched over the house that he should never come near with Miss Miranda not there, though I guessed but little what it was he would do. And when it seemed of no use and I felt helpless and afraid, thinking of the mischief I had done, I have turned to trying to drive away the ill luck in the old fashion, with spells and charms,