Page:Cornelia Meigs-The Pirate of Jasper Peak.djvu/164

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The Pirate of Jasper Peak

Oscar’s plan about the road, and that nearly broke his heart,” Jethro had said.

Plainly, the quarrel had been a serious one, if Edmonds was so determined not to receive aid from Oscar’s hands. And how had Oscar taken it? Even at that moment he was out there in the storm, risking his life, risking the plan for which he cared even more than life—he was doing this for the friend with whom he had quarreled.

“Oh, Nicholas,” exclaimed Hugh as he squeezed the big dog’s ears, “oh, Nicholas, that Oscar Dansk is a real man!”

One thing still so puzzled him that his baffled thoughts came back to it again and again. Was it the two Edmonds who had occupied the Pirate’s shack yesterday, that quiet Sunday when he and Oscar had sat talking so long before the cottage door? Was it the smoke from their fire that he had seen rising from the chimney?

After long reflection, during which his thoughts began to wander sleepily here and there and had to be brought back again with a jerk,