Page:Cornelia Meigs-The Pirate of Jasper Peak.djvu/195

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The Pirate of Jasper Peak

And a year in terms of wheat and bread counts now for more than ten ordinary years.”

“And you think that when the place is yours and you are settled here, then the people of Rudolm will follow?”

“I know they will. Their fear of Half-Breed Jake is partly habit, partly a sort of superstition; it is not real cowardice. When they see that one man has been able to hold out against him alone they will not hesitate longer.”

“They should be very grateful to you,” observed Hugh, his voice grave with the thought of what weight of responsibility was to be laid upon him. He shivered a little. The autumn air was very cold.

“I do not want gratitude,” returned Oscar quickly. “What would I have to say to them if they tried to thank me? No, when I see these hillsides covered with the grain for which the whole world is crying; when I can sit here on my doorstep and see many red roofs warm in the sunshine, or the moonlight making sharp black shadows of the pointed gables or yellow lights