Page:Cornish feasts and folk-lore.djvu/201

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Cornish Games. 189 The old Cornish game of "Hurling" I have already described under the head of "Feasten Customs." Cricket, football, and lawn tennis are of course played in Cornwall. Tom Toddy, an old drinking game, now I expect known to but few. Each person in succession has to drink a glass of beer or spirits, on the top of which a piece of lighted candle has been put, whilst the others sing — " Tom Toddy es come hoam, come hoam, Tom Toddy es come hoam, Weth es eyes burnt, and his nawse burnt, And es eye-lids burnt also. Tom Toddy es," etc. Specimens of Cornish Provincial Dialect. — Uncle Jan Trenoodle. Of the old dance " Letterpooch," the name only is remembered.