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GRADE— GULVAL been represented in Parliament by John Hamp- den ; in contrast with which honour it can also claim to have been disfranchised earlier than the other Cornish rotten boroughs, owing to the excessive dishonesty of its elections. The shaft of a good granite cross stands in the market-place. The modern chapel-of-ease is built on the site of an ancient church, dedi- cated to St. Nona or Nun, strangely corrupted into Naunter. St. Creed, the parish church, a mile distant, is not now regularly used. At Golden Farm, about the same distance, the priest Cuthbert Mayne was seized ; and in memory of his execution at Bodmin he was beatified by Leo. XII. Giilval (2 m. E. of Penzance) was more anciently known as Lanesly. It is interesting to notice how many of these " Lan " names in Cornwall have been superseded by the definite name of a saint — as at Crantock, formerly Langarrow. In such instances it is possible that there may have been a religious foundation on the spot before the visit of that saint whose name has finally attached to the place. Gulval or Gudwal is the saint men- tioned in Bishop Stafford's Register as " Ste. Gwdvele, a/ias Wolvele de Lanyseley " ; at Gulfwell the name has been further corrupted, owing to the temptation to such corruption offered by the holy well. Gulval Well was one of the most famous of the holy wells, much resorted to fiar divination and for cures. The church, most beautifully situated, is less 117