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CORNWALL with the name of Joanna should be a greater fool than herself Parents, therefore, who have set their hearts on the name of Joanna, take their girls elsewhere to be christened. The church nestles, one may say hides itself, in a lonely valley near the cliffs ; it is very small, but has an effective tower, a well-preserved stoup, some quaintly carved bench-ends, and a beautiful screen. The transept is E.E., the rest Perp. In the churchyard are two roofless lych-gates ; and here also is a cleft boulder of granite, like a mill-stone, with regard to which there is a popular verse :— " When with panniers wide A pack-horse can ride Through St. Levan's stone, The world will be done ". It is noticeable that many Celtic saints have stones connected with them — sometimes said to be their altars, or the mill-stones on which they sailed the sea. Lewanick (5 m. S.W. of Launceston) is a corruption of Lan-Winoc, and this saint must have had something to do with the original church ; but the second church, burnt in 1890, was dedicated to St. Martin. The present church is chiefly modern, but there is a rarity in the shape of a cresset-stone with seven holes, on a low octagonal pedestal. These cresset- stones were used for preserving perpetual fire in the church, to which people might resort to light their own fires in days when to get a light was a grave difficulty. There are old inscribed 160