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CORNWALL and successful ventures, he went so far as to mount a battery and fire on a man-o'-war ; but his attentions were returned with interest, and an end put to his smuggling career. His autobiography, a most interesting document, has lately been published. The Cove is now peaceful enough — a coastguard and fishing sta- tion, and a resort of tourists. Quethiock (4 m. E. of Liskeard) is conjectured to be a corruption of Cadoc ; the word rather suggests some such name as Gwethenoc. What- ever its original dedication, the church was re-dedicated in 1288 to St. Hugh of Avalon. The tower, Dec, has a S. staircase reaching to the second stage, where it finishes in a gable ; the second stage, much slighter, rises without stairs. A beautiful granite cross was discovered twenty years since ; there is also an excellent brass. Rainc is the most southerly parish of East Cornwall ; it is best reached by ferry from Plymouth. Rame Head, almost insular, has a restored chapel of St. Michael on its summit. This is the nearest point of land to Eddystone. The church, combined E.E. and Perp., is evi- dently the successor of a yet earlier building. REDRUTH can claim to be quite a large town in this county of tiny populations ; it had a population of 10,451 at the late census, showing an increase of 127. It is not a par- ticularly attractive town. The name is clearly a corruption of something, but of what it is difficult to say ; some have talked foolishly about St. Ruth and a red cloak. The dedica- 224