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BOSCAWEN-tjN— BOTATHEN that it was represented by Sir Francis Drake. There are earthworks and crosses near. Botnllack Mine (2 m. N. of Cape Corn- wall) was formerly one of Cornwall's great show-places, but was long disused and became dangerous to visit. Some slight working is now carried on again. Our present King and Queen visited the mine in 1865 ; its depth is over 1000 feet, and it extends considerably under the sea. In time of storm the noise of the waves beating above, and rolling amongst the loose boulders of rock, is so tremendous that the stoutest - hearted pitmen have been terrified and driven from their work. Even in calm the deep-toned murmur of the sea can be heard. The coast scenery around is very grand. Botathen, S. Petherwin (2 m. S.W. of Launceston), only deserves mention as being connected with a very curious ghost-story, the narrative of which was written by Ruddle, who was called in to exorcise the ghost. Botathen was the seat of the Blighs, and a boy of that family was much troubled by the appearance of a woman, who so haunted him that he became depressed ; the more so, as he was accused of being an idle lad, inventing foolish fables. Ruddle met the ghost on several occasions, and at last, " after a few words on each side, it quietly vanished, and neither doth appear since nor ever will to any man's disturbance ". Unhappily the reverend gentleman does not quote his interviews. The 69