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we could get for him. When we got one, he always told us to get more. There was commonly another person with (illegible text) of the name of Falconer. They generally pressed us to (illegible text) more bodies."

To whom were the bodies so murdered sold?"—To Dr.——. We took the bodies to his rooms in —————, and then went to his house to receive the money for them. Sometimes he paid us himself; sometimes we were paid by his assistants. No questions were ever asked as to the mode in which we had come by the bodies. We had nothing to do, (illegible text) to leave a body at the rooms, and to go and get the money."

"Did you ever, upon any occasion, sell a body or bodies to any other Lecturer here!’ "Never. We knew no other." "You have been a resurrectionist (as it is called), I understand?" "No, neither Hare nor myself ever got a body out of a churchyard. All we sold were murdered, save the 1st one, which was the woman who died in Hare’s house. We began (illegible text) it: our crimes then commenced. The victims we sold were generally elderly persons. They could be more (illegible text)ly disposed of than persons in the vigour of youth."


This morning, between 8 and 9 o’clock, William Burke, Edinburgh Murderer, paid the forfeit of his many crimes (illegible text) the head of Libberton’s Wynd, Edinburgh. As the person approached which was to terminate his career, the ex(illegible text)ament, which has been so deep in that place, was greatly (illegible text)eased; and great fear was entertained that some tumultuous exhibition of public feeling would be made at the execution. Fortunately, however, no such occurrence took place. For some days past, tickets had been exhibited on the windows in the neighbourhood, intimating them to be (illegible text)for the occassion at from five shillings to 1 and 2 guineas. Burke was removed from the Calton Jail yesterday morning at 4 o’clock with the strictest privacy, and was lodged in the lock-up-house behind the Parliament Square, and in the near neighbourhood of the place of execution. Here he was (illegible text)ted by the Catholic Priests, and received from them ev(illegible text) attention. The measures adopted by the authorities did