Page:Correspondence between the Warden of St Columba's College and the Primate of Armagh.djvu/16

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tion of positive engagements on the part of Bishop Gobat.

But I cannot believe, unless I learn it from yourself, that your Grace would wish me to resign for such an offence, and on the ground of a promise taken in a sense which I never so much as contemplated, without a further explanation and a clearer understanding of the circumstances attending that implied promise than has hitherto taken place.

I trust I may be pardoned one remark on the extremely embarrassing position in which I am placed towards the parents of the boys committed to my charge, as well as towards those gentlemen to whose zealous cooperation and support I am so largely indebted for any measure of success that has attended my exertions in this place, by the fact, that while your Grace calls upon me to resign my appointment, you intimate a doubt whether, even in that event, you will continue your connexion with the College.

In conclusion, I must be permitted to express my deep regret, that my constant uniform endeavours to conduct an Institution, which was calculated to become a great national blessing, on the principles on which it was first established, and on which alone I consented to become connected with it, so as to secure your Grace's confidence, have been counteracted, by circumstances which I could not control.

That God may recompense to you a thousand-fold