Page:Correspondence between the Warden of St Columba's College and the Primate of Armagh.djvu/19

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I did not consider them so material to my case as to warrant further delay, although they may be of importance to clear up one point, on which I have at present no certain information; on which account it was that I ventured to trespass on your Grace's patience longer than I had wished or intended to do.

I have the honour to remain,

My Lord,
Your Grace's faithful Servant,

George Williams.


The Primate to the Warden.

November 11, 1853.

Dear Sir,

I have given to your letter of the 9th inst. the fullest consideration in my power; and in replying to it, I beg to recal to your recollection the reason I assigned, in my letter of the 25th ult., for the opinion I expressed, that it would be desirable that you should withdraw from the office you hold in the College of S. Columba. That reason I stated to be your having appeared before the public as a leader in a fresh agitation of the English Church, and your having prominently united yourself with those who are well known to be persons of ultra views on ecclesiastical affairs; the necessary consequence of which