Page:Correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto volume 1 Haines 1919.djvu/373

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Fronto to Volumnius Quadratus.

161 A.D.

Our friend Castricius handed me your letter yesterday as I was leaving the baths, and I asked him to come to me for an answer in the morning. During the night I suffered so much from cough and sleeplessness that I was obliged to stay in bed till 11 o'clock. That accounts for my keeping our friend Castricius back. You shall have the books of Cicero corrected and punctuated. Those which I have annotated please keep for your own eye. I will write to you more carefully the reasons why I do not wish them to become public property.

Fronto to Volumnius Quadratus.

161 A.D.

I will gladly, my son, read your speech, which you have sent me, and correct anything that seems to require it, but by the hand of my secretary, for my own hand is useless from severe pain. In spite of the pain, however, I have been carried to the circus. For I am again seized with a passion for the games . . . .[† 1] be badly composed and wholly in rhetorical style.



  1. About seventeen lines are lost.