Page:Correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto volume 1 Haines 1919.djvu/53

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(b) Dr. W. H. D. Rouse, in an Appendix to his edition of Meric Casaubon's translation of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, published in 1900, has given us an excellent version of some entire letters and parts of many others.

(c) Miss M. D. Brock, Litt.D. Dubl., in her Studies in Fronto and his Age, published in 1911, has translated more than thirty letters, mostly in full, with the text opposite. Her rendering gives a very good idea of the original, and the whole book is most helpful to the student or Fronto and his literary claims.

Besides the above, P. B. Watson, in his Life of Marcus Aurelius, London, 1884, gives versions of several passages from the Correspondence, but he is an unsafe guide as to Fronto's meaning, his knowledge of Latin being inadequate.

A more scholarly contribution to the same subject is that of Hastings Crossley in his Fourth Book of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, London, 1882, an appendix to which contains a number of select passages from the letters admirably Englished with a running comment.

Finally, Robinson Ellis published at Oxford in 1904 a lecture on The Correspondence of Fronto and Marcus Aurelius. It translates a considerable number of passages from various parts of the work with connecting comments.

The more important contributions to the study of Fronto beside the above are as follows:—

Alan, H., Coniecturae et Animadversiones: Dublin, 1841. Observationes in Frontonem: Dublin, 1863, 1867.
Anon., Index Phil. Leutschianus, i. 60 ff.
Bährens, E., Fleckh. Jahrbuch, 105, pp. 632-4 (1872).
Beck, J .W., De Different. Script. Latinis (on the De Nominum Verborumque Differentiis of Fronto (?)); Mnem. x. 9: review of Brakman's work.
Becker, G., Jenaer Lit. Ztg. 1874, p. 631.
Beer, Rud. , Anz. d. philos.-hist. Kl. der k. Akad. d. Wiss.: Vienna, 1911, nr. xi. "Über den aeltesten Handschriftenbestand des Klosters Bobbio."

Beltrami, Ach., Le tendenze letterarie negli scritti di Frontone: Milan, 1907. "II 'numerus' e Frontone," in Riv. di fil. 36, 1906. See also Berl. Phil. Woch. xxx. 1; Bibl. Phil. Mass. 1908, p. 61; Classici e Neolatini, v. 1.
