Page:Correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto volume 1 Haines 1919.djvu/59

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Pt. i., p. 259 (1909). See also Hauler above (Verh. d. 48 Versam. d. Phil., 1905).
Talbot, E., De ludicris apud veteres laudationibus, 1850.
Teuffel, W. S., Geschichte der römischen Literatur, ii. § 355, pp. 212-218. English translation by G. C. W. Warr, 1900.
Usener, Herm., Fleckh. Jahrb., 91, pp. 267, 268 (1865).
Vahlen, J., Zeitsch. f. d. oest. Gymn., 19, p. 10 (1868); Hermes, 1876, p. 458; Cn. Naevii reliquiae, pp. 6 ff.; Ad Ennium, p. xix. f.
Vallaurius, Th., Critica Latinarum litterarum historia,: Zurich, 1851.
Valmaggi, L, Quaestiones Frontonianae: Ivrea, 1889; I precursori di Frontone: Ivrea, 1887; Riv. di fil. 36, p. 312, April, 1908 (review of Beltrami's Le tendenze etc., see above).
Volkmann. R., Die Rhetorik der Griechen und Römer, pp. 354, 427: Leipzig, 1885.
Warren, Minton, "On a literary judgment of Fronto"; Trans. and Proceed. Amer. Phil. Assoc., 43: Boston, 1894.
Westermann, A., Geschichte der Beredsamkeit in Griechenland und Rom, 2 Parts: Leipzig, 1833-5.
W., C., Berl. Wochenschrift f. klass. Phil., 1900 and 1904.
