Page:Correspondence relating to calling of the 2016 Australian double dissolution election.pdf/3

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I advise that the election should take place according to the following timetable:

Issue of writs
Close of electoral rolls
Close of nominations
Polling day
Return of writs (latest date)

16th May 2016
23rd May 2016
9th June 2016
2nd July 2016
8th August 2016

I accept this advice
- see below

As you know, under section 12 of the Constitution, the Governors of the States issue the writs for the election of Senators for the States. Accordingly, I also advise you to request the Governors of the States to issue writs for the election of Senators in accordance with the above timetable.

Noted I enclose for your consideration a form of proclamation relating to the dissolution of both Houses which, were you to accept my advice, I ask be made in sufficient time to enable the currently scheduled sitting of the Parliament on Monday 9th May not to be proceeded with.

Noted Finally, I can assure Your Excellency that there is sufficient Supply for the ordinary services of government, following the passage last week by both Houses of Supply Bill (No. 1) 2016-2017, Supply Bill (No. 2) 2016-2017, and Supply (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2016-2017, providing for interim Supply for a sufficient period to allow the election to take place, and for the 2016-17 Budget Bills to be considered and passed by the new Parliament.

Agreed Should Your Excellency accept my advice to dissolve both Houses, I propose to make a public statement to this effect, announcing the date of the election, I ask for your consent to that course.

Agreed I also ask Your Excellency's consent publicly to release this letter, along with the Attorney-General's letter and attached information.

Yours sincerely

A personal signature appears here


I accept the Prime Minister's advice and will invite to him immediately to inform of such.