Page:Coubertin - France since 1814, 1900.djvu/39

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perpetual changes entailed by our policy, and by the fear of the disturbance and complications it may cause to other nations. Few Frenchmen realise how far, even so late as the middle of the century, the "French system" seemed incompatible with the general peace. The Germans of 1815, who had suflfered from it more than any other nation, were anxious to disintegrate France altogether ; their very least ambition was that she would give back the conquests of Louis XIV.

It was here that Wellington's energy interposed. This great Englishman realised that it was of the utmost importance to his country that the integrity of France should be respected ; realised, too, that this integrity was necessary to the peace of Europe. The Emperor Alexander also intervened. He took much more interest in the Monarchy now that he foresaw that his favourite Richelieu[1] was about to become its Prime Minister. And when this prospect was realised, he made a

  1. The Duc de Richelieu, who emigrated to Russia, entered the service of the Emperor, founded Odessa, and rendered in South Russia services which made him highly popular.