Page:Counter-currents, Agnes Repplier, 1916.djvu/120

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are too general to support an argument. What could the women of Belgium and the women of France have done to save their countries from invasion? When we are told that "the woman-movement and war cannot flourish together," and that we should never have witnessed this "campaign of race-suicide," had women been justly represented, we have no answer to make, because a denial would be as hypothetical as is the assertion. But when Mrs. Lawrence ventures to call the war "a great dog-fight," caused by an "obsession of materialism," we recognize a smallness of vision and coarseness of speech incompatible with clear thinking, or with that distinction of mind which commands attention and respect. If this militant pacifist sees in the conduct of England and in the conduct of France only the greed of two dogs, squabbling with Germany over a bone, which apparently belongs to none of them, we can but hope she is not expressing the views,