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Court Proceedings (Electronic Technology) Ordinance

Part 5—Division 1
Ord. No. 20 of 2020
Section 12

(c) if—
(i) an implementation notice is published stating that the use of electronic technology has been implemented for a type or description of proceeding in an e-Court at a venue; and
(ii) the proceeding is in that e-Court at the venue and is of that type or description.

12. Application of provisions and directions for sending or serving documents in writing

(1) A provision in this Part that applies in relation to a provision of written law or a direction of a court that requires or permits a document sent by a court to be in writing applies whether the provision of written law or direction—

(a) uses “send”, “give”, “notify”, “serve”, “deliver” (including grammatical variations and cognate expressions) or any other expression that signifies conveying a document; or
(b) otherwise suggests the conveying of a document by a court.

(2) A provision in this Part that applies in relation to a provision of written law or a direction of a court that requires or permits a document sent to a court to be in writing applies whether the provision of written law or direction—

(a) uses “file”, “lodge”, “send”, “give”, “notify”, “serve”, “deliver”, “submit”, “furnish” (including grammatical variations and cognate expressions) or any other expression that signifies conveying a document; or
(b) otherwise suggests the conveying of a document to a court.